Renowned Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor has got enthusiastic reviews from the American media for his act in the drama series '24'. Anil wants to show his act to his family back home but the shy actor couldn't express his whish to the producers of the show.
The 50 year old actor had promised his family in Mumbai that he would bring back four episodes of '24' which premiered in New York. But he couldn't fulfill his promise.
Anil said, "I had promised them. And I'm sure Fox would've given the episodes to me. In fact, they gave the first four episodes to every journalist beforehand with a secrecy clause. So I could've easily asked because my daughters Sonam and Rhea and my brother Sanjay were all keen to see my television debut. But I just couldn't ask. I was too shy. Can you believe it?"
Now the only way Sonam and his family can see Anil's debut on '24' is if they download the episodes from the internet.
Anil told reporters, "I believe the episodes can be downloaded. Also '24' is telecast on our channel AXN. But a few months late. I think episodes featuring me would be telecast much sooner."
The actor, in fact, is making efforts to bring the series to Indian viewers simultaneously with the rest of the world.
Talking about his television debut in America, Anil said, "It was overwhelming. I had made sure that the Indian media was also invited on the red carpet. The impact of my appearance on '24' is yet to be gauged. But I guess the show will add Asian eyeballs to the already-popular series."
He also said, "See, you've to understand television in the US is not the same thing as television in India. There're big stars on American television who actually refuse to do movies."
Adding one more feather in his cap, the fine actor was also invited on the prestigious "Today Show", he said, "You see, '24' is a series by Fox. And the 'Today Show' is on a rival channel NBC. No actor from a Fox show is ever invited on the 'Today Show'. I guess I was an exception because after 'Slumdog Millionaire' I'm seen to represent the Indian diaspora in the West. It's a humbling place to be in."
The American media is totally impressed by the Indian actor, the Los Angeles Times wrote about his role, "The most promising this season is Omar Hassan (Anil Kapoor), president of the Islamic Republic of Kamistan, who is negotiating a peace treaty with US president Allison Taylor (Cherry Jones). He's regal and decent,” wrote the Los Angeles Times.
And other Entertainment Weekly said, "The dapper Hassan …played by the wonderful Anil Kapoor, who really should go by the name of Fantastic Sam because of his incredible head of hair…"
The veteran actor is not only busy with international projects but he has many projects back home as well. So, you can say that Anil is currently at the peak of his career.
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