The teaser of Lindsay Lohan's visit to India has been leaked on the Internet. The video, featuring child trafficking in India has already created hype. She came to India last month and claimed to have saved 40 children from trafficking on her first day in the country.
In the video, Lohan is seen sharing her experience at a children's shelter outside Kolkata. According to a source, she was seen with a group of young girls and women, who became the victims of trafficking and other forms of exploitation.
She was shooting for the BBC documentary near Kolkata. After the shoot the 23-year-old star had twitted, "Over 40 children saved so far… Within one day's work. This is what life is about… Doing this is a life worth living! Oh, and I'm talking about being in India."
She added, "Trafficking is a big issue here, I'm here to do what I can, and I will continue to do so… Focusing on celebrities and lies is so disconcerting, when we can be changing the world one child at a time".
The documentary named "Lindsay Lohan In India" will be aired on BBC very soon. Lohan twitted, "I cannot say at this moment. I wish I could. You will see what I'm really seeing and doing soon, just wait. I'm only one person. Let's not start judging and looking for negatives that don't exist,”
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