Friday, December 18, 2009

A Hong Kong Teen Auctions Her Virginity

Virginity for Auction A Hong Kong teen tried to auction her virginity on a social networking website. According to the police, the highest bidder in the auction has offered USD 7,800. Reportedly, the girl who has given the advertisement for selling her virginity was very desperate for money. A police spokesperson said she has set minimum price equivalent to 1,300 US dollars for sex.

The ad on website has not revealed the age of the girl. But on the ad the girl has included her height and weight. The girl claimed to be a teenager on the ad. Reportedly, hundreds of people have responded on the ad posted on December 9.

Police have launched an investigation and have posted a warning on the website advising girls not "to sell your body for money"., the site has targeted specially the secondary school students. On the site Hong Kong police has posted, "One should value morals highly and respect self-esteem".

Soliciting “unethical conduct” or having sex with an underage person is crime under Hong Kong law.

According to a source, there have been an increasing number of teenaged girls in the city offering their virginity online. Some of them are going on Japanese-style “compensated” dates with older men, which can include sex for money.

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