Lindsay Lohan arrived in India on Wednesday as part of a BBC documentary. The documentary is about the trafficking of women and children in the third and second world countries. Reportedly, Lindsay has only been in India for a few hours but she tweeted that she has already started saving lives within one day.
The actress tweeted, "Over 40 children saved so far…… Within one day's work. This is what life is about….. Doing THIS is a life worth living!!!" According to a source, the trip has given the team some new priorities for their work.
Lindsay wrote, "traffiking is a big issue here, I'm [doing] what I can, and I will continue to do so as long as life when time permits it".
According to a source, the actress has asked for help from her fans. She wanted her fans do get involved in the noble cause. Her mission is to diminish the word trafficking from these third world countries.
She said, "Keep telling people about what's going on in all 2nd and 3rd world countries and people will want to help too".
Lohan stricktly believes that all the celebrities should divert their attention in these serious issues. And she urged media to concentrate on these agendas rather than only focusing on the celebrities and hypothetical lies.
She wrote, "Focusing on celebrities and lies is so disconcerting, when we can be changing the world one child at a time. Hope everyone can see that".
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