Friday, December 18, 2009

I Will Never Go for A Britney Show, Says Competitor Pink

PinkPink is very disappointed with Britney's alleged mime act at a recent concert. She said that she would never spent money to watch such a performance. According to a source, the singer has also parodied Britney Spears in the new song, 'Stupid Girls'.

Pink has fueled the old rivalry between her and Britney by commenting on Spear's lip-synching agenda. Pink said, "I'm not taking anything away from Britney because I really like her a lot, but I would never go to a show where the person was lip-synching". She said, "When you grow up listening to Janis Joplin, you're not going to want to see somebody mime."

According to a source, Pink is confused that why people go on comparing her with the "Womanizer" star. She said, "I swear to God, I've stuck up for Britney since the beginning. My point was, 'Stop comparing me to her, because we're different animals'".

Pink credited her hubby Carey Hart for calming her wild streak. Pink concluded by saying, "When I met Carey, I was an abused puppy in the corner, ready to bite anyone who put their hand out".

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