Following the body building trend of Aamir Khan and Shah Rukh Khan, the young and dynamic actor Shahid Kapoor has also built a muscular body. But the dashing actor Shahid has moved one step ahead and he has sculpted eight-pack abs for his forthcoming film ‘Chance Pe Dance’.
For this Herculean task Shahid took the help of famous celebrity fitness trainer Abbas Ali. Both Abbas Ali and Shahid have worked hard to achieve the curves in a short span of time.
According to Abbas Ali, "Shahid had to look cosmetically presentable. After ‘Kaminey’ we had only two months in hand to change his complete look. It’s Shahid’s sheer hard work, dedication and consistency that transformed him from what he used to look a couple of years ago to his present look.”
Earlier Shahid was not so serious about having those curves but after 'Kaminey' movie's one scene in which he had to run with horses, he took body building seriously and worked hard on his body.
The cute and chocolaty boy of industry, Shahid wants to change his image. So, he asked Abbas to train him so that his body suits the character in 'Chance Pe Dance'. Abbas told reporters, "His body in ‘Chance Pe Dance’ is better than all his previous films. Shahid told me that dancers are coming from abroad and he wants to look like god and move like god. I had to change the entire training to bring that look along with flexibility and muscle endurance which was required for his dance performance."
Though the 28 year old actor had already grown muscles for 'Kaminey' but for 'Chance Pe Dance' he had to attain those "to die for curves". So, Shahid worked out rigorously at least five days in a week.
Abbas especially took care of Shahid's diet during training because, “Shahid is a vegetarian and he doesn’t even takes egg so first class protein, which is required to build lean muscle, was not there. White carbohydrate was removed from his diet, like white potatoes and pasta. We added brown carbohydrate like brown rice, sweet potato, oats instead."
Discussing about Shahid's diet Abbas also told reporters, “We didn’t go for low carbohydrates because if you go for low carbohydrates your performance level goes down in real life. He has to dance so we couldn’t go for low carbohydrates.”
In the movie “Chance Pe Dance”, Shahid is playing a role of a struggling actor. Genelia D'Souza is playing Shahid's love interest in the movie. The movie is directed by Ken Ghosh and set to release on 15 January 2010.
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